Answers to Common Advisee Questions
Scheduling – No more back and forth over email or returning phone messages! Just set your availability and students can easily schedule an appointment at a time that is convenient for you and them. Sync the Stellic platform with your UD calendar for a seamless scheduling experience.
Taking notes and communicating with students – Keep all of your advising documents, notes, and information in one location for a quick snapshot! Log your advising notes, keep a copy of your emails, and quickly see official documents and forms. Please note, all UD faculty and staff with access to academic grade data can view these advisement details.
Referring students – When you are meeting with a student and they have a question you can’t answer, maybe about financial aid, career needs or housing, you can quickly Add a Alert to that campus partner within the Stellic platform. A staff member who receives the referral will proactively outreach to the student. This is a great way to connect students to on-campus resources and to give a nudge to those students who aren’t likely to reach out themselves!
Quick searches – Need to quickly determine how many of your advisees are on probation, or how many sophomores are in your major? Use the Student Search function to generate a quick list of actively enrolled students that fit your criteria.
Each semester, students should track their progress toward graduation by using their degree audit in UDSIS and the online academic catalog for the year they entered UD, not the current catalog. Students should meet with their advisor at least once each semester to review their academic progress and to discuss course selections before registering for courses. You are encouraged to compare the degree audit requirements and the catalog’s four year planning guide when discussing possible courses for the next semester.
Degree audits in UDSIS are available for every major and minor and are customized for each individual student to show how the courses they have taken apply to their degree progress and the remaining courses they have for graduation. Degree audits are a great advising tool during advisement appointments, and they can be viewed either digitally or saved/printed as a PDF.
In UDSIS Advisor Center, all advisees assigned to an advisor are listed on the My Advisees page. Clicking the Student Details link takes you to that person’s Student Center information, and the degree audit is available via the ‘other academic’ drop-down menu. A what-if report is a degree audit for a major or minor that the student has not declared. For additional help, see:
Typically students need to take the necessary courses required for their degree or consider taking the specific course at an alternative institution, if approved. However, sometimes alternative course can fulfill degree requirements. If when meeting with an advisee you determine that a course substitution is warranted as part of the student’s degree requirements, and you have the authority and permission to grant this exception, you must submit the required Course Substitution Form (available under Advising 101 > Common Advisor Webforms or your UD Webforms).
Do you find yourself doing a reoccuring course sub? It may be time for your department to put through a curricular change! Connect with the Registrar’s Office for more details.
For students who register during the appropriate registration periods, enrollment eligibility into courses is based on numerous things. For instance, have they completed the prerequisite for a course? Is the course restricted to a certain classification like senior and they are only a junior? Does the course require permission from the instructor? If you have thoroughly reviewed all the restrictions and you feel that the student is eligible, refer them to the department that houses the course for registration assistance. Course descriptions listed in the online catalog will specify any and all restrictions as well as the pre- or co-requisites.
Students can “double dip”, but it depends on the major and the requirement. A course can meet more than one requirement, but the credits are only counted once towards overall credit totals towards the degree. Please refer to the online academic catalog for departmental stipulations.
University Breadth Requirements must be selected from the approved list, which can be found by searching the Course Search for any given semester. Just because a course counts this semester does not mean it will count next semester. A minimum of C- or better is required.
For full-time matriculated students there are some restrictions for enrolling in online courses. Students on academic probation and students registering for more than 2 online courses during a term must contact their Assistant Dean for permission to take an online course. Some majors and courses require additional permission – a list of majors and courses can be found here:
If permission is not required and/or after permission is granted, students must complete the registration process for the online course on UDSIS by simply registering for the appropriate online section number.
If a student would like to take a course overload, they should contact their Assistant Dean’s office for permission. There are strict requirements for an overload. Typically, the student must have a cumulative grade-point index of at least 2.5 and a grade-point index of at least 3.0 from the most recent semester. There is no extra tuition charge for taking a course overload and, as a reminder, students can take up to 18 credits with no additional permission or charge.
All international students have full-time registration requirements that may impact their visa status. International students should be directed to the International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) office for any and all information regarding visa and immigration regulations.
There are various reasons why a student would pursue an Independent Study, such as a shared interest of study with a professor or assisting with a research project under faculty supervision. Students should register for the Independent Study course and then submit the Independent Study/DLE webform in UDSIS. This webform contract outlines what the student and faculty member have agreed to do per the Independent Study. Using an Independent Study to substitute for a required course is rarely, if ever, an option.
It depends. To receive a University of Delaware degree, students must satisfy the residency requirement: completion of either 90 of the first 100 credits or 30 of the last 36 credits at the University of Delaware.
Additionally, students must complete the Transfer Credit Evaluation form and submit it to their Assistant Dean’s office for approval PRIOR to enrolling in a course. Students can check whether a course has already been approved on the UD Transfer Credit Matrix and learn more about transfer credit policies by visiting
Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in a college-level course in order for the credits to transfer back to UD; however, only the credits will transfer and not the grade. There will be no impact to a student’s UD GPA.
13. My transfer course is only counting as elective credit. Will that fulfill my major requirements?
This can be tricky so be cautious about what you tell your advisees. For instance, the department is permitted to determine what will complete a major requirement; however, be aware of how that substitution may impact the rest of the student’s curriculum. If the department allows a transfer elective to fulfill a requirement, please be aware that it may hinder your student from registering for any subsequent sequential courses. The best approach for transfer elective credits would be to recommend your advisee pursue the re-evaluation process with the overseeing department to have the transfer course potentially evaluated as a direct UD course number.
Beginning Fall 2019, eligible undergraduate students may retake University of Delaware courses and have the lowest of the repeated course grades excluded from the GPA. Through the academic term during which a student attains a total of 28 credits attempted at UD, if a student receives a C- or lower on a UD course, then that course may be retaken later with only the higher grade included in the calculation of GPA and in the calculation of quality point deficit. A student may apply this to a particular course only once.
All course attempts and grades will be recorded on the transcript, with a notation to indicate which courses are not included in the GPA. See the Grade Forgiveness FAQs here:
If the course is not eligible for Grade Forgiveness, then both course attempts will be factored into the student’s UD GPA. Please note that not all students or course circumstances are eligible for Grade Forgiveness.
A minimum grade of C- is required for all UD breadth courses. Minimum grade requirements for other courses are outlined in the University Catalog. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average or above in order to graduate.
Full-time, matriculated students must earn a minimum of a 3.5 GPA to receive Dean’s List recognition. If a student has a temporary grade on their transcript (i.e. “I”) they are not eligible for inclusion. Please note that there are exceptions to the full-time status requirements for students eligible for the Reduced Course Load Policy and that the minimum GPA requirement to meet Dean’s List increased beginning Fall 2019.
A “Z” grade indicates an unofficial withdrawal. If a student does not officially withdraw from a course but is still listed on a faculty member’s roster, a “Z” grade – not an “I” grade – should be given. It is quite serious because it factors into the student’s GPA as an “F”. There are times when students thought they dropped a course but were not successful; these students should be referred to their Assistant Dean’s office for further investigation. Never promise a student that their “Z” grade will be reversed.
A student, where appropriate, should first try to reach an agreement with the faculty member of the course. The faculty member must meet with the student within 10 calendar days of the request. After that meeting, if the student is still not satisfied with how the faculty member graded them, they should schedule a meeting with the chairperson of the department. Students should follow the grievance procedure that can be found online at
No, mid-term grades are posted solely to show how the student is progressing in the semester and do not remain on official transcripts. If a student is not earning satisfactory grades, it is a great opportunity to discuss tutoring or other applicable resources so that grades may be approved, or potentially change the grading option (pass/fail, withdraw, audit, etc.).
GPA is listed on the unofficial transcript (accessible in UDSIS). There is also a GPA calculator on the Registrar’s website that students can use to calculate their GPA based on the current courses and projected grades:
Once a student accumulates over 12.99 deficit points, they will be on the dismissal list pending review of the Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (CURC). Only well documented, non-academic extenuating circumstances are taken into consideration for CURC exceptions. For information about the probation process visit:
If a student is dismissed from UD they will need to take UD courses as a Continuing Education student to increase their UD GPA and decrease their deficit points, and then apply for readmission to the university. Additional information available here:
Students should speak to their professor for clarification of expectations and for extra help. The student should also seek individual and/or group tutoring at the Academic Enrichment Center and via any applicable college-level support program. See the Office of Academic Enrichment’s website for more information:
If the last day to change registration for the semester is drawing near and all avenues have been exhausted, students may need to consider withdrawing or changing the grading status of the course. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss grading options with their advisor prior to making any changes to their grading. After the deadline, students are not permitted to drop or change the grading status of a course without having well-documented non-academic extenuating circumstances.
A course can only be taken as Pass/Fail if it will count as a general elective; it may not count toward degree/major requirements unless the course is only offered as Pass/Fail. A student can only take one standard graded course as Pass/Fail each semester; the total number of credits earned on a Pass/Fail basis may not exceed 24 in the baccalaureate program. Pass/Fail courses will count towards your total credits towards graduation. A grade of “P” will not affect a student’s GPA, but a grade of “F” will factor into their GPA.
For a non-medical leave, students must reach out to their Assistant Dean’s office to request a Leave of Absence (LOA) for the semester. This MUST be done prior to the end of drop/add or the student will lose their matriculation and need to apply for readmission when they want to return. Students are only permitted to take 2 consecutive LOA’s. If a student is on an official LOA they can register as normal for the subsequent semester.
For a medical leave, students should be referred to Student Advocacy & Support.
25. I’ve been sick/ I’ve experienced a loss. Can I get an excused absence letter sent to my faculty?
For relatively minor, short-term illnesses (e.g. colds and flu, where attendance in class is undesirable) the University system depends upon reasonable communication between students and faculty. If possible, students should report such illnesses before the affected class, following the directions of the instructor as provided at the beginning of the semester.
For absences due to serious illness of a student (e.g. hospitalization, etc.) or a loss, students must provide documentation to their Assistant Dean’s office, who will connect with the student’s faculty members to provide an official excused absence as appropriate.
Parents will often call academic advisors with or without a student’s knowledge in hopes of gaining information. However, FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) stipulates that students’ information is confidential and cannot be released or discussed with anyone (except another UD official who has a legitimate education need to review the record) without the explicit written permission of the student outlining specific parameters – time frame, names of people to be involved in the discussion, and topic of the discussion – each time the communication is to occur.
Best practice is to talk with the student and parent simultaneously. Talking with both parties at the same time, whether in person or by telephone, allows all parties to hear and respond to the same concerns together, and it can avoid misunderstandings. An advisor is not required to speak to a parent about a student’s academic record even if permission has been granted by the student. However, talking with the student and parent together can contribute to student success. Additional information and regulations available here:
Feel free to refer parents to the Assistant Dean’s office to discuss generalities or to the Registrar’s Office to discuss FERPA regulation.
Students can request enrollment verification themselves via UDSIS. Students must click the Grades & Transcripts tile, then the “Enrollment Verification” link, and then follow the prompted instructions. More information can be found here:
Student Life
UD Student Wellness & Health Promotion provides confidential counseling services to help students in need.
29. I am having some personal struggles/stress and would like to talk to someone. Where should I go?
There are a variety of resources that can help students. Two great places to start are the Center for Counseling and Student Development and Student Advocacy & Support.
UD Counseling & Student Development provides students with individual and group therapy. Visit their faculty/staff page to learn more.
Student Advocacy & Support works one on one with students to discuss situations, resources, and steps to move forward. Learn more by visiting their website at or calling 302-831-8939.
All students have access to 24/7 support through TimelyCare.
Connecting with the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) in order to request reasonable accommodations has several steps and often includes the need for documentation. The student section of the website will walk students through the process, and students should contact the office by phone at 302-831-4643 or email at if they would like to discuss their individual situation, and/or have any questions or concerns about the process.
If the student lives on campus, they should start by having a conversation with their RA. If they would like to speak with a staff member, they should contact their Residence Hall Coordinator to discuss any conflicts.
If the student lives off campus, the student should be referred to UD’s Student Advocacy & Support at or 302-831-8939 to speak with a member of their staff. You may also share their Blue Hens in Town guide for more information about their rights and responsibilities as a tenant and roommate.
Acknowledge that this is a difficult situation, it took courage this information, and that you believe them. If you are the first person they are telling, you are vital to helping them move forward.
UD provides 24 hour 7 day a week support through our Sexual Offense Support advocates. Students can call the UD Helpline at 302-831-1001 and press 1 to be connected to an advocate. Advocates support students in various processes including securing academic and personal accommodations, reporting to the university or police, or general advocacy. Advocates are confidential support. They can also access confidential support through the Center for Counseling and Student Development.
Since you are a university mandatory reporter, share with the student that you are required to share this information with the Office of Equity and Inclusion and that they will receive an e-mail with resources, supports, and accountability options. The student can find more information at
If a student ever feels unsafe or their is an immediate concern for safety they should dial 911 or contact the University of Delaware Police at 302-831-2222. Let them know they can also contact UDPD to report this as a criminal matter.
If a student ever feels unsafe or their is an immediate concern for safety they should dial 911 or contact the University of Delaware Police at 302-831-2222. They should also reach out to UDPD if the person is not affiliated with UD.
If they are being harassed by another student, they can contact the Community Standards & Conflict Resolution to learn about accountability and resolution options. They can be reached at 302-831-2117 or e-mail at
Major & Career
First-destination career outcomes are available for each UD major through the outcomes website:
UD’s Linkedin alumni page provides students with the opportunity to view the profiles of and connect with alumni based on what they studied, what they do, where they live, and where they work.
UD Career Center staff provide 1:1 career career coaching and and can help students further explore the pathways for their major and connect with alumni who majored in the same field as them. Appointments can be scheduled by logging into Handshake ( and choosing “Career Center” > “Appointments”.
Students weigh a number of factors when choosing or changing a major, including an assessment of the subject matter that is meaningful and purposeful to them and ROI considerations such as salary expectations, short and long-term employment outcomes, advanced degree opportunities, and skill development.
The student is comfortable enough with you to ask this question. It’s important to ask why they are considering the change. Is it not what they thought it would be? Have they researched it further and realized their career goals have changed? Or, has someone convinced them it’s just not for them.
If a change of major is truly what is best for the student, have them research other majors of interest and then contact those departments to discuss their specific change of major process, timeline, and requirements. Although most majors are open and non-restricted, there are some restricted majors with specific eligibility requirements and application deadlines.
Students can review the online information regarding internal transfers/changing majors at
First semester freshmen are not permitted to access the Change of Major webform until the last day to register or add courses, which is 8 weeks into the semester. Once applicable, the student must log into UDSIS, navigate to either the Degrees & Advisement tile or the Forms tile, toggle under Undergraduate Students, and select the Change of Major, Minor, Concentr. Form. Once the form is submitted, students will receive an e-mail when the form is approved or rejected. Students should be certain to read any comments on the form when it is returned.
UD Major Finder
A searchable site with information on all 150_ UD majors
Change of Major/Major Exploration Advisement
If the student is uncertain about a potential major, they may be referred to the University Studies Program advisement office for assistance:
Further Assessment of Major & Career Options
The Career Center’s online assessment, PathwayU, helps students think about what’s important to them and explore UD majors and career paths that are mapped to their values, interests, personality, and workplace preferences. Results are available immediately.
UD Career Center staff provide 1:1 career career counseling and coaching and utilize career assessment, resources, and connections with alumni and professionals to help students explore and assess choice of major options and potential career paths. Appointments can be scheduled by logging into Handshake ( and choosing “Career Center” > “Appointments”.
Departmental Resources
Your department may maintain a listserv or other internship, job or research sharing method for positions that are sent directly to your faculty and staff by employers or alumni.
UD Career Center Resources:
The UD Career Center’s Handshake platform is used by employers to recruit UD students and alumni for internships, jobs and other opportunities. Over 40,000 positions were posted in the past year. All students have access to the site:
The UD Career Center also maintains lists of industry and career specific job posting sites:
Online and in-person guidance is also available to help students secure an internship or job. Students can schedule an appointment with a UD Career Center coach by logging into Handshake ( and choosing “Career Center” > “Appointments”. The career coaches are specialists in specific academic, career and industry areas called “career communities”, and students can select a coach based on their career interests and goals:
- Agriculture & Environment
- Arts, Media & Communications
- Business
- Education & Helping Professions
- Engineering & Technology
- Public Service, Policy & Social Impact
- Health & Science
- Exploring & Deciding
Additional tips and resources on securing an internship or job can be found here:
Undergraduate Research Program Resources
If students are considering getting involved in research, the Undergraduate Research Program recommends that students set up a time to come in for an advising appointment with one of their staff. During these appointments they will provide your advisee with general information about a variety of available research options, as well as guidance on how to identify and approach a faculty researcher with whom they might like to work.